I sound like a broken record, but it's important for us in food safety to remember inside our bubble that food safety is a public health issue, rather than an individual risk assessment (depending on
Yeah, I'm not done with the CFSAN adverse event report system data. It's just too fun. To recap, in 2016 FDA made all of the data from the CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS) available
So something happened at the end of 2016 that isn't discussed enough in QA circles. While many people in industry hem and haw about the data provided through reports at Iwaspoisoned.com, similar data
Each circle represents a city, larger circles indicate more inspections were performed in that city. Oregon Department of Agriculture has had some recent poor reviews regarding it's maintenance
In my mass of emails from the government each day, every quarter I get one from FSIS letting me know what they've released their quarterly enforcement report. These reports detail actions taken
In my mass of emails from the government each day, every quarter I get one from FSIS letting me know what they've released their quarterly enforcement report. These reports detail actions taken