Following my recent post where I examined an article from Johns Hopkins that found multiple contaminants in commercial feather meal (including fluoroquinolones, a class of antibiotics that have been
An article recently published in Environmental Science and Technology details a study conducted at Johns Hopkins where when examining samples of commercially available feather meal (used as a protein
We've known for a long time that owning pets is good for us. They encourage exercise (Epping, 2011), lower blood pressure (Allen Et Al., 2002), and even reduce anxiety (Jerjes, 2007). So the question
Cystocentesis - Image from University of Minnesota CVM Cats and urinary problems go paw in paw, from the obstruction emergency in males, to common urolithiasis. As a cat owner, it is always
Haha! Finally finished another book in my stack of things I'm halfway through reading. Sorry for the delay in posts, I started a new job and was focusing on doing well for finals, still waiting to
Image from BBC News A friend of mine thought this would interest me when I last visited him, and I had him send me the links discussing badger culling in the UK to control the spread of bovine
Image from Generally not small talk, though I imagine they might be interested in the projections for this year's salmon run (pause for polite awkward laughter). A new article from
Ah, United States' medicine vs. European medicine, the war rages on. The battleground I'll discuss today: elective sterilization of the female reproductive tract. Image from Penn State Virtual
"Stinger", a dog with sepsis from a bite wound. Image from Valley Center Veterinary Clinic, Valley Center, CA. N-terminal portion of pro C-type natriuretic peptide. Try to say that one three
Image from PennState's Well, the 5 year ban on funding dedicated to inspection of horse slaughter facilities has ended. The question now is whether the industry has been